Family and Friends

Tiny Life - Life at Home - Physical Health

Extended family and friends can be a major source of support in helping you with your premature baby when they come home. However those close to you often want to help, but don’t know what you need. It can be hard for your family to know when to give advice or just listen so encourage family and friends to read this website to help them understand some of the things you might be going through.

They may need you to ask for help and advice and give them clear instructions on how you want them to help.

Some things that your family and friends can do to help you:

  • Give some practical help with housework/shopping/meal preparation.
  • Help with your other children by doing school runs, babysitting, meals or homework.
  • Take care of your pets.

If you feel you need a bit of space, ask a member of your family or close friend to update other family and friends on your baby’s progress and explain the need to limit visitors.

Resources used in developing this section

NHS choices

  • TinyLife family support officers are available to help you in many ways. Contact us by phone from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday 02890 815050.

  • Extended family and friends can be a major source of support in helping you with your premature baby.

  • There are a number of people who are available to help advise you on feeding, growth, immunisations, development, and general baby care.