Physical well-being after birth
One of the very most important things you can do for your premature baby’s long-term health and that of your family is to look after your own health. Often the focus is on your baby but in order to take care of your family and cope with taking a premature baby home, you need to take care of your own body and mind. It’s important to give you and your family time to adjust. This section gives you some advice on how to look after your physical health. All resources used for this section and for parents are listed at the end.
Family Health – siblings, grandparents & relatives
Becoming a parent of a premature baby is often a family affair that involves other siblings, grandparents, and the whole extended family. Here are some tips for giving – and getting – support from family members.

Emotional wellbeing after the birth
At home your baby depends on you even more so you need be sure to look after yourself.